Hello Friend I hope this post will give you a brief idea about certain facts which I've read in many books and which I like some of them most.
Ok the list follows one by one......
1)The Holy Bible:
I think I'm unworthy to tell that I really like this book since I'm not up to the mark, following all the principles which I'm reading in that MOST PRECIOUS BOOK which GOD has given us.I hope you reader, if you'venever read that book please go through it once.Then you will definitely understand the truth,and many facts.There are many books in it which are consisting of many chapters.Among all the Books I like Proverbs, some part of Genesis,Psalms. I really enjoy when I'm reading these books in the Bible.Even I like all other books, I mostly enjoy when I'm reading these particular parts.Dear Reader I hope you'll definitely read the Bible,everyday;I think which David tells in Psalms 119:105 goes with almost eachone of us-
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path
There are many things and on the whole if you want to be a perfect person in the sight of GOD you need to read it.I read it and my life is changed and it is changing now....The word is like a sharp edged sword which hits our heart directly.So,I think you'll definitely read it and enjoy in GOD's presence.
2)The Torn Viel:
I was in hostel when I'm in 11th and 12th standard and there my warden used to read that book and I didn't understand why she is continously reading that book whenever she is finding time.So I wanted to explore what's there in that and luckily one day she gave me that book to read.I just took it casually thinking "how can I find time to read this book and why did I took that book I shudn't have taken" Like that I was thinking in my mind and started reading it.That's it.......Whether you believe or not I read that book without leaving it and whole book I completed reading without any break.My GOD!!! Amazing testimony of Gulshan Esther how she entered into the true way of Light.Marvellous book!!!! and I hope if you have any chance to buy that book,don't think whether it is useful or not.Don't give your mind any second thought, just go and get it.....It's really awesome and it will be a great inspiration and blessing to many of us.I hope you'll read it.
3)The Hidden Place:
When I'm about to write my exams from monday (few years back) as usual I went to sunday worship and I bought this book.I like biographies of missionaries alot.So,I thought ok lets see how this book will be.So,I took that book to my room and at night I suddenly remembered that I've purchased a book so,why wasting time let's start reading that book .And next day is my xam.But I forgot that I've to write an xam and my sleep went away...and I read this book while reading without my notice tears are rolling down my cheeks.I felt very ashamed of myself since there are many oppurtunities and freedom where atleast in the place which I'm living I'm not glorifying GOD.This woman Corrie Ton Boom she wrote this book and it is her story how they suffered when they hid the children of GOD from German police during Hitler's reign.This is a really awesome book which everyone should read it.
4)Samuel Morris:
When I'm reading this book I literally wept.There are many people in this world who have no proper minimum basic needs and no education and many other things.He being an African,because of GOD's wonderful grace his message turned many lives towards Christ.When he gave a message during a burial service instead of weeping for their beloved one's death,their sorrow turned into Joy with a hope from GOD.May be it is a GOD's will that he left this world at a very young age.I really encouraged alot because of his wonderful testimony.I some times feel downhearted when something goes opposite to my expectations.But after reading this book I've learnt that I should be happy in everything I have and praise GOD for each and everything he gave to me and he has a bigger plan for me than which I thought because His ways are higher than our Ways.
5)Another Daniel:
This book really inspired me how the spirit of GOD worked amidst of many people in our country in the early days of our Indian Christian Ministry.The way people lived with honesty,purity,truth,faith and almost every fruit of the Spirit.This is an amazing book through which I've learned many things like not to play with GOD,his Children and his work.We should be very careful with those things.I was really encouraged by the miracles which occured when his people prayed and those were just like the things happened infront of my eyes.I've learnt how prayer changes things.
And If I keep on writing, the list goes on.......So I hope dear friend,if you get a chance of reading these books, don't miss it please...because oppurtunity never comes again and again.....
P.S:This post is not just for exalting my self that I read many books.But with one thing I kept in my mind while writing is that,those who read this post may get an interest like me as I've got from some co-incidental occasion, and be blessed and stand up for CHRIST.